The end of Professional Experience

I am a bit disappointed prac has come to an end as I was really enjoying working with the mentor teacher and the little kids in my class. In saying that though prac was an extremely stressful and busy time for me but it was well worth it. By the end of the three weeks I was confident enough to take the class for a whole day which I felt really proud of. I was really grateful for the feedback I received from my mentor about my teaching strategies and classroom management. The feedback I received was always helpful and I was eager to fix up any errors or problems that she had picked up on that I thought was ok. I believe receiving critical, constructive feedback is essential in all learning and is crucial when we are out on prac as we are able to hear what our mentors say even if we may not want to hear it at the time. Here is a website that Ii found and it explains that feedback is important to learning

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